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Select Board Meeting Minutes 11/28/18
Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 11/28/18

Meeting Opened at: 4pm
Select Board Members Present: Carol Edelman, Chairperson, Kenneth Basler and Donald Coburn

Also in attendance: Steve Moore, Terry Walker, Don Clawson, Stan Ross, Peter Chait, Bob Krupski, Don Torrico, George Cain, Jon Sylbert, Rebecca Wolin

At 4pm the Assessor’s held the annual classification hearing with the Select Board.  The Assessors are recommending a single tax rate.  The Assessors reported that our excess capacity last year was $461,000 and this year is $363,365.  We have a preliminary tax rate of $7.40 per thousand (current is $7.38).  The gross value of the town has gone up approximately $15million.  A motion was made to continue with one tax rate.  The motion was unanimously approved.

Miscellaneous Items Reviewed:
  • The Board signed the contract for the upgrade conversion with our website host.
  • The Board approved the Council on Aging applying as the lead town on a grant to the state to secure funding for outreach services.
  • Kenn reported that he has a meeting coming up with the school committee to discuss the deed that Counsel has given us to move forward with determining the future of the Monterey School Building.
  • Community Garden: Peter Heller and Christine Goldfinger have resigned as the organizers of the garden.  The Board will need to have a discussion with the folks running the Community Center to determine a path forward.
  • The Board reviewed the monthly report from the Accountant and Treasurer and will discuss the item regarding changing the way we fund unemployment insurance with the Finance Committee later in the meeting.
  • Bob Krupski, Plumbing and Gas Inspector came in to request a change to the current procedures to get paid for inspections made.  He argued that other towns he works in do not take the same administrative fee that we do and he would like that to be more in line with other towns.  Discussion ensued.  A proposal was made to charge a 10% administrative fee per inspection ($6) rather than $10 per inspection effective today.  The Board agreed unanimously.  The Board also reminded Bob that his department has $100 to use for expenses such as dues, memberships, etc.
  • Kenn reported on his meeting with the library last week.  The monies the library receives from the state is paid out over a 5 year period, our construction project will be done in a year.  This means that the monies from the state will not be paid to Monterey at completion of the project but rather over 5 years.  This may require the town borrowing more than what was approved at town meeting.  A meeting will be arranged with the state and the Finance Committee to determine if there is a way to get the money once the project is completed rather than waiting 5 years.
  • Don reported that he spoke with Don Clawson regarding the properties that we have taken noted on the list from Baystate Municipal Accounting Group that we asked them to compile.  Don reported that based on the information Don Clawson provided he was able to obtain from the Registry a copy of the tax lien filing showing that one of the properties was in fact owned by Monterey so that this property could now be considered for sale.   Kenn is going to continue to compile a list with the Assessors and the Tax Collector to bring to a future meeting and determine how to move forward.
  • The Board met with members of the Finance Committee to discuss the following:
a.  Unemployment insurance funding: A motion was made to request more information on this prior to making a decision.  The motion was seconded and approved unanimously by the Board and Finance Committee.
b.  New FMLA tax: Rebecca informed the Board of new Family Medical Leave Act tax that the town will need to discuss and determine if they are going to pay 100% of or split 50/50 with the employees or have employees pay a higher percentage. M. Noe is waiting on more information on this and will present it to the Board once it is received.
c.  FY20 proposed budget:
  • Discussion ensued about the new state contract we’ve entered into for financial services. It was explained that the formula (approved by the state) for determining the cost for these financial services is based on the town’s annual budget each year.
  • Don inquired about the proposed 2% COLA for employees and our past practice of typically following what social security gives.  Kenn suggested we consider giving tiered raises based on the salary to make it more fair (smaller amounts to large salaries and larger amounts to smaller salaries).  At this point it was agreed to keep it at 2% largely because we had given 2% in recently past years when there was no Federal COLA for social security recipients, but the topic isn’t closed as the budget process has just begun
  • The Finance Committee completed their budget request for FY20.
  • Discussion ensued about the Highway Department’s request for an additional crew member.  Jon supports the request, George does not.  The issue was not resolved.  Jon asked that the Director of Operations also present a capital plan that address the drainage and culvert issues we are facing.
  • Discussion ensued about the Lake Garfield Working Groups request for another $50k made to the Finance Committee at an earlier meeting.  At the time of that meeting the Finance Committee agreed that they would not approve the request but would support the Friends of Lake Garfield trying to establish a separate tax district instead.  No decision reached on this issue
  • Upcoming meeting agendas were discussed as was the plan for reviewing and preparing a final FY20 budget.
  • Mail was reviewed.
A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 6:30pm

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant
Full audio recording available at town hall
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

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Select Board Members
Minutes Book
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